Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shorthand for the Faithful Pities of David

Hypothesis: That the faith of "Anointed," or "Christos," is shorthand for the "faithful mercies of David in Isaiah 55:3 and referred to by Paul in Acts 13:34b. The faithful mercies of David are the mercies that God faithfully lavishes upon the Davidic Messiah, that is, the slave of Isaiah 52:13-53:12, so that (to take the most important example) the man whom "we" thought to be a criminal, "smitten by God" (vs. 4) is made into a holy offering for sin (the "guilt" of vs. 10) who shall make "many just." (vs. 11). This exaltation, this establishment by God of the slave (on the cross) is confirmed and seconded in what necessarily follows (his resurrection). To put this last sentence in another way, in Isaiah's vision, he realizes that if God makes the slave this holy offering for sin then the slave shall see his seed (live, be raised from the dead), make many just and divide the spoil of the great (translation of last clause--Jan Moscowitz, lecture, 2000?).
In the discussion that follows we will often refer to the "faith of Anointed" as the "establishment" of Anointed. We intend to show that we are, first and last, justified by this establishment, although our faith in Anointed, also,but secondarily, causes us, like Abraham to be "reckoned righteous" and saved (see Romans 4, 11)!

Please note that in all my work I am greatly indebted to my Father, Vincent Shaw Flack.

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